

Development of geographic information systems

A Agrosatélite é especialista no desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação geográfica(SIG) — e usa sua capacidade para criar os softwares mais adequados às necessidades de seus clientes, sob encomenda.

What GISDEV delivers

  • A união da tecnologia da informação, do sensoriamento remoto e do geoprocessamento em softwares sob medida para gerar a inteligência geográfica que o cliente precisa para tomar decisões.
  • Sistemas para facilitar o uso da inteligência geográfica pelos clientes, sistematizando atividades de processamento de dados de maneira mais eficiente, automatizada e integrada.
  • Cruzamento das informações extraídas das imagens de satélite com os dados geográficos de modo simples e prático.

Potential clients

Entidades setoriais que representam produtores e indústria, consultorias, fundações, ONGs, governos, bancos, cooperativas de crédito, fundos de investimentos, traders de grãos, beneficiadoras, frigoríficos, fabricantes de insumos agrícolas, máquinas e implementos.

What is offered

The software in the GISDev line can be delivered in different ways: for installation and configuration by the client (code, files and documentation); installed and configured by Agrosatélite (ready for use in a productive environment); or even implemented and configured so that Agrosatélite can monitor and manage the system. The software can also be produced to run online (web environment), on smartphones (mobile applications), or on desktops.


Consists of software with web technology. It lends itself to the development of online geographic information systems, webmaps, decision-support or land-management software, as well as interactive maps and mapping APIs, among other possibilities. This model does not require installation — the systems are used directly in web browsers.


Software that is installed on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Among the possibilities are portable geographic information systems, webmaps, decision-support software, interactive maps, field data collection systems, as well as other applications according to the needs of the client.


These programs are designed to adapt geographic information systems to the client’s needs, such as automated data acquisition and processing routines, digital image processing, integration with geographic databases, among other aspects.